Just as Sraffa’s gesture revealed to Wittgenstein the limitations of logical atomism, so did Jason thoroughly dissolve the boundaries of my social constructivist weltanschaung. Meanwhile, HanShan simply laughs.
Posts Tagged → jason
Sean’s name came from the fact that for generations the firstborn male was named John (even though Jason theoretically holds that position), and someone had to break that tired tradition — not by petulance, but rather a return to Irish roots. Another reason is that ‘Sean’ also has a Chinese homophone, meaning ‘kind.’ (Hence, Bo… Continue reading
a simple song
This is a simple song, It’s not too deep, and not too long. When my mind gets rollin’ like a loaded diesel train, One sure way to slow it down and keep it somewhat sane Is a simple song. This here’s a simple song, May be right, it may be wrong. When the earth gets… Continue reading
jb: …like Borges’ Zahir viewed thru the Aleph!
Sean: OK, fine, blah, blah…
Jason: What a hoot!

a fine beginning
Always wondered how it would happen, and today it was a phone call from Jason’s wife, 38 years later. Slightly awkward but direct enough to lay the foundation for a meeting in two weeks time. I felt the daze of inevitability and implication; washes of guilt and wonderment. Child of my body but stranger to… Continue reading
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