music to the heart

Heard a song entitled “Why I Do These Foolish Things” by the Magicians (Villa Records, 1964), a local Bay Area band, which strongly brought back the same exotic attraction I experienced when listening to the Miracles “Who’s Loving You” (the B-side of “Shop Around”) back in high school (or was it 8th grade). I listened… Continue reading

ruby on rails

It’s always the little things. After working through a complete install of rails on Mac OSX Tiger, following the excellent steps on this page, and then creating a test application a la these directions, I still couldn’t get my browser to recognize my application. Yes I would get the “Welcome Aboard” message when connecting to… Continue reading


On a random search for some of my online references, I came across this page from the EHP journal which has (one screen up from the bottom of the page) a picture I snapped here in the lab and sent to somebody, I guess, ’cause there it is. The blurb mentions “two California museums” which,… Continue reading

snail (friend of boy’s surface)

Christopher and I were discussing the intersection of surface topology (we both preferred the left as puffier) and inflationary cosmology (based on the recent results from WMAP). CR felt this further undermined the “universe as white hole” approach, comparing it to nested russian dolls. I suggested it was more like Boy’s surface, which got us… Continue reading


nine tenths of the armies lost their pens
and had to break chocolates for breakfast

nine tenths of my heart dreams of seville
riding the streetcars that circle her bed

as detectives prod their grisly valentine